كلية الصفوة الجامعة هي كلية اهلية عراقية معترف بها من قبل وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي، تقع في محافظة كربلاء، تأسست عام 2013 وبنفس العام حصلت على اعتراف وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي.
Quality Measurement of Blurred Images Using NMSE and SSIM Metrics in HSV and RGB Color Spaces Ahmed Majeed Hameed* , Moaz H. Ali, Ramla Abdulnabi Abdulzahra Physics Journal 1, 2, 105-111 Ahmed Majeed Hameed*, Moaz H. Ali, Ramla Abdulnabi Abdulzahra Al-Safwa University College, Department of Computer Technics, Karbala, Iraq Abstract Quality measurement is the process of measuring distortion in images, by using some metrics that makes a comparison between the original pure image and the distorted image. Image quality measurement is important and helpful for many applications such as in medicine and space images because images can be affected with many factors of distortions. It is used the Normalize Mean Square Error (NMSE) and the Structural Similarity Index Measurement (SSIM) as a metric to measure the quality of distorted images. Gaussian blurring is the type of distortion which is used, so this distortion is applied manually on four color images using Gaussian blurring function. The distortion is applied on images in the red, green, blue (RGB) and Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV) color spaces. The result is shown that in the (HSV) the achromatic components have been affected strongly by blurring than chromatic components, but in the (RGB) colors and lightness are affected similarly because of the high interdependence between lightness and colors in RGB color space. Experimental results show that in HSV color space there is a high separation between chromatic and achromatic components, where achromatic component has been affected strongly with blur distortion than chromatic components. Also, results of RGB shows a high correlation between chromatic and achromatic components, where these components were identically affected with blur distortion. Keywords Blurring, NMSE, SSIM, HSV, RGB, Gaussian Blurring, Image Quality Received: July